Portfolio > Collaborative Series

Echo 1
Mixed Media
Echo 2
Mixed media
Echo 3
Mixed media

The images in this gallery are of an ongoing collaborative project between Andree Leduc and me. Together, we make small abstract mixed media drawings - one of us begins a drawing and passes it on, relinquishing ownership to the other. Additionally, we’ve each created hundreds of drawings independently. We continually share results, generating energy and encouraging abandonment of judgement. If unsure about whether something feels finished, we consult each other. Our kindred aesthetics include a mutual love of stripes and rich colors, similar tastes in music, and our determination to see everything as potential collage material (we share our hoards!). Composing larger pieces (the "Echo" series) is another layer of collaboration, in which we reflect on themes and variations. We choose favorite small works and arrange them so that they speak to each other in terms of color, shape, and mood.